Plant Adoption

Plant distribution:
to be determined

See your DSM newsletter for a form and for more information!

Questions about the Plant Adoption Drawing?

Contact Kris Henning,
DSM Plant Adoption Director

Plant Adoption Program

What is the Plant Adoption Program?

Through the Plant Adoption Program, the Daylily Society of Minnesota (DSM) purchases new cultivars for members to grow and test in their gardens. After two to three years, the daylilies will be dug for the DSM auction, and members will be able to keep some of the fans they received.

On their applications, each member is asked for suggestions for hybridizers and cultivars they think will do well in Minnesota. From those suggestions, the Plant Adoption Committee finalizes selections and places the order.


To participate in the Plant Adoption Program, you must

  • Meet all requirements each year.
  • Be a member of the Daylily Society of Minnesota for 2 years.
  • Be current in club dues.
  • Attend any 2 of our annual events (February or October regular meetings; February or November Daylily Discussions; Summer Tour; Off-Scape Daylily Show; or Banquet & Auction)
  • Assist at one of the above events or provide miscellaneous help, such as Plant Fairs, special club projects, serving on the Board or on committees, hosting garden tours, etc., or donating plants to the Plant Sale or Auction.
  • Submit eligibility form on time (watch for deadline).
  • Sign and be willing to follow the contract (copies available upon request).

All members in a household that qualify are eligible to adopt!

Plant Adoption Distribution

Plant adoption distribution will take place

to be determined

We will draw applicant names one at a time to choose a plant to adopt.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Kris Henning or Karol Emmerich.
Kris and Karol: